Brazilian waxing exploded onto the beauty scene in the early 2000s when stars like Gwyneth Paltrow and Jennifer Aniston were rumored to go bare down there.

While extremely painful, Brazilian waxes leave clients smooth, stubble-free, and with minimal regrowth for weeks.

Even with the body positivity movement in full swing, the Brazilian wax remains an enduring trend two decades later.

From 20-something spring breakers, to suburban moms, to post-menopausal women – people across demographics continue to book these infamous waxing appointments.

Sure, the 1970s bush may be back for some. But for many women, feeling confident and sexy means ripping it all off every four weeks.

Ahead, we’ll explore why Brazilian waxing has such staying power. We’ll look at shifting beauty standards, ingenious marketing, and good old-fashioned peer pressure.

Whether you love them or find them torturous, Brazilian waxes don’t seem to be going out of style anytime soon. Read on to find out why.

A Brief History of Going Bare Down There

Way back when, women in ancient Egypt and Greece would use a sticky paste made of sugar and lemon juice to remove unwanted hair.

Fast forward a few thousand years, and the modern bikini wax burst onto the scene in the 1970s as actresses flaunted their tiny two-pieces on screen. Removing “bikini line” hair suddenly seemed necessary!

Then, in 1987, seven entrepreneurial Brazilian sisters opened up a waxing salon in New York City aptly named J Sisters.

They began offering a service that removed all hair front to back, and thus dubbed it the “Brazilian wax.” Throughout the 90s and early 2000s, Brazilians exploded in popularity thanks to celebrities like Gwyneth Paltrow, tabloid talk, and even a very memorable episode of Sex and the City!

So while ripping hair from nether regions is far from a new concept, the J Sisters certainly propelled Brazilians into a full-blown sensation.

Now look at why this extreme body hair removal method remains so prevalent today. Trust me, the reasons go way beyond wanting to avoid embarrassing hair peeking out of your swimsuit!

Image: Deposit Photos

Why People Still “Go Brazilian” By the Millions Each Year

In 2018, a survey found that a whopping 42% of American women between ages 18 and 29 got a Brazilian wax in the previous 12 months. What gives?

Well for starters, Brazilians make people feel sexy! Removing all that hair enhances sensitivity, literally amplifying sensations during intimacy.

Those slick results can also boost self-confidence and Body positivity trends encourage personal choice regarding grooming. If going bare makes you feel fierce, you do you!

What Does The Future Hold For Below The Belt Grooming?

Pubic hair care continues trending more gender-neutral, as Brazilian waxes appeal to men too. Aside from Brazilian waxes, waxing in general is becoming popular with males. From backs to legs to ear hairs, men are heading to waxing salons.

For Brazilian waxes, shaping preferences grow increasingly open to creativity and self-expression as well. Intricate dye jobs, lighting bolt designs, and custom trims give new meaning to the wild world of bikini grooming! For those who celebrate au natural texture, products cater to keeping pubic hair tidy too.

As with any long-standing ritual though, backlash bubbles fervently underneath the surface. People point out the wastefulness and oppressive histories behind waxing’s hold on society. Perhaps the practice diminishes as cultural tides shift perspective once more. Regardless, choosing what makes you comfortable in your own skin is what matters most!

The Painful Truth: Brazilians Aren’t All Fun and Games

You may Instagram that perfect “after” shot, but anyone whose gone bare can tell you: Brazilians are no walk in the park. The waxing itself can be incredibly painful, especially if you’re new to it. Once you make it through the agonizing hair removal session, irritation often follows for days. Red, inflamed bumps and ingrown hairs run rampant, making it impossible to even think about your next zumba class!

There’s also the tricky matter of expectations regarding women keeping themselves hair-free in the first place. Feminism has fought hard against this double standard, so Brazilians somewhat perpetuate lingering patriarchal pressures. Plus, be real — ripping follicles from their roots constantly isn’t great for the planet considering all that waste. Yet still, millions globally embrace the bald and beautiful life each year…

Keeping Things Smooth and Stubble-Free

If you fall into that camp of crazed Brazilian devotees, maintaining the results is an art in itself! The prime directive is exfoliating to prevent ingrown hairs, which feel like Satan’s stubble.

It also preps skin for when your alien-like stubble regrowth returns. Using glycolic wipes and a coconut oil moisturizer helps enormously between waxing appointments every 4-6 weeks.

Now attempting that first at-home Brazilian may seem scary. But to save some coin, it can absolutely be done with the right tools! Carefully following step-by-step hard waxing instructions while holding skin taut is key. Maybe blast a pump up playlist too, since haphazardly yanking strips off sensitive areas is no one’s idea of fun Friday night plans. Even so, joining the hairless revolution can make you feel sexier and more confident — when not battling post-wax woes anyway!

Waxing Do’s and Don’ts

Attempting hair removal as a newbie can mean falling victim to common mistakes. So before booking your first Brazilian waxing appointment, read up on some key dos and don’ts! First, show up to your salon visit with growth measuring at least 1/4-inch to ensure the wax can firmly adhere. Resist any urges to trim or shave that fuzz beforehand. Wax works best when grabbing onto longer strands still attached at their roots underneath the skin’s surface.

The days leading up to your wax require some avoidance too. Don’t fake bake out in the sun or use alpha hydroxy acids, retinol creams, or vitamin C serums. These can increase sensitivity or make skin thinner, causing worse irritation and damage. Once you disrobe, remember not to drink alcohol or coffee for at least 24 hours afterwards. Such substances tighten pores which could trap bacteria and dead skin cells. This leads to dreaded ingrown hairs and red bumps! Finally, skipping sex prevents possible infections for the next day while your vaginal region heals.

Pain Management 101

Perhaps the biggest obstacle for newbie Brazilian waxers is confronting the pain factor. That ubiquitous scene from waxing montages with wide eyes, clenched fists and ridiculous gagging faces? Fairly accurate. Underestimate this one at your own peril! The truth about waxing

 is that tactics do exist for pain reduction. Over-the-counter pain meds such as Advil or Tylenol work wonders when taken an hour beforehand. Estheticians also suggest placing ice packs on the area ahead of time for numbing too.

During the wax itself, do your best to relax with slow breathing while skin is pulled taut. Tensing up majorly amplifies discomfort. Distracting your brain helps as well, so come equipped with stress balls or your favorite playlist. Some also claim that scheduling Brazilians right before your period begins leads to significantly lower sensitivity. Of course that may call for adjusting your calendar if you’re averse to early cycle cramps. Either way, pain management makes all the difference in mastering this epic rite of beauty passage!

Budgeting for Bikini Bares

Time to talk Brazilian wax pricing, since keeping nether regions polished doesn’t come cheap! Full pubic hair removal falls on the pricier end for waxing services, averaging $65 per session at salons. Location factors greatly into costs though, running as high as $90 in major metro hubs like New York City or Los Angeles. Then you have variables like specialty Brazilian suites with themed decor and added frills. Those can sometimes hit the $150 range when including optional extras like skin treatments.

The woman removing your hair drastically impacts pricing too. Established experts charge more, but cheaper doesn’t necessarily mean better. The risks of safety and sanitation slip ups increase when you bargain hunt. If $75 every six weeks fits your budget, an occasional pro visit should suffice. For more flexibility sans the splurging, comprehensive at-home waxing kits deliver solid DIY Brazilians. High quality hard waxes with applicators and finishing products start around just $25. Considering professional grade supplies and reusable components, you’ll earn back that initial investment quickly!

Celebrity Influences Through the Ages

Brazilian waxing first stepped into the pop culture spotlight during the late 1990s. Publishing titan Hugh Hefner had a personal esthetician keeping Playboy models hairless and camera ready. Celebrity stylist Paul Mitchell also dished on creating V-shaped waxes for Penthouse magazine around 1974. But undoubtedly mainstream obsessions hit fever pitch after a memorable Sex and the City episode.

In it, Carrie rants to her gal pals about attempting a full Brazilian wax before a photo shoot. She ultimately storms out of the LA salon mid-service after a mortifying language barrier mishap leaves her completely bald below. Suddenly, Brazilian waxes appeared on tabloid covers as shocking beauty secrets. Pop icons like Gwyneth Paltrow, Cameron Diaz and Jennifer Aniston admitted indulging too.

Now over 20 years later, names like Kourtney Kardashian and Amber Rose still proclaim Brazilian waxes essential beauty maintenance.

Yet the focus shifted away from dramatic shock value or risque allure. Removing pubic hair now aligns more with self-care or personal grooming preferences, at least publicly. So although celebrity admissions certainly fueled curiosities originally, wider acceptance exists less for attention and more for each individual’s confidence.

Choose What’s Right For You

While Brazilian waxing originated decades ago, its popularity continues thanks to enhanced accessibility, feminist strides, and followers flaunting those catchy before and afters.

Ultimately though, managing pubic hair boils down to personal choice – not meeting unrealistic beauty standards.

So don’t base your decision off expectations or pressure. Simply embrace whatever makes you feel most confident, sexy, and authentically you!

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