Rhinoplasty is a cosmetic procedure involving the alteration and reconstruction of the nose.

Plastic surgeons work with individuals to discuss the problems they’re having with their noses, what they don’t like about them, and what they hope to achieve.

They then undergo surgery, with experienced surgeons making cuts within the nostrils and reshaping bone and cartilage for a more pleasing result. 

Undergoing a rhinoplasty is a significant decision to make. While you might be eager to make an appointment immediately, you must first find out if you’re a good candidate.

Your plastic surgeon might say you are if you can relate to the following circumstances: 

You Have Breathing Problems

You might be deemed an ideal candidate for rhinoplasty by highly regarded surgeons like Dr. Jay Calvert if you are having trouble breathing through your nose. Breathing problems can occur due to abnormal nasal structure formation at birth.

Sometimes, injuries can also impact your airway. In many situations, rhinoplasty can be an effective solution. If you’re experiencing breathing problems, talk to your local plastic surgeon about your options.

They can provide you with in-depth information on what this surgical procedure entails. 

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You’re In Good Health

Whether you’re inquiring about rhinoplasty for health or aesthetic reasons, your plastic surgeon will likely discuss your overall health with you.

Some people are better candidates for rhinoplasty than others based on their general health. 

You might also like to check with your regular doctor regarding any health conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart conditions.

They can help you make an informed decision about whether rhinoplasty is a safe option for you. 

You Don’t Like How Your Nose Looks

You don’t always have to seek rhinoplasty just because your nose is causing health problems. Instead, you might start exploring surgical options because you don’t like how your nose looks.

Many people struggle with confidence and self-esteem when they aren’t happy with their bodies. If your nose makes you feel unhappy, you can talk about this with your chosen plastic surgeon. 

You’ve Finished Growing

Many children and young teenagers can be unhappy with their bodies and think plastic surgery is the best way to fix it. However, their bodies haven’t finished developing.

Undergo surgery too early, and there are no guarantees you’ll be happy with the outcome. 

That’s why most surgeons recommend waiting until the later teenage years at a minimum before considering rhinoplasty.

By this stage, your facial growth has slowed or finished, and you can often be more satisfied with the outcome. 

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You’re Fully Informed

Plastic surgeons want you to be fully informed about all procedures they perform. Once they’re done, it can be challenging or even impossible to undo them.

You might be considered a good candidate for rhinoplasty if you understand everything about the procedure, including the risks.

Plastic surgeons also want to be sure that you’re requesting the surgery for your own self-esteem and health needs, not someone else. 

Rhinoplasty can be life-changing for many people experiencing health problems and confidence issues with their current nasal features. However, not everyone will be a suitable candidate. If you meet these criteria above, now might be the right time to contact a plastic surgeon and discuss your options. 

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