As we close the door on the year and look toward the new year, as usual, many of us are trying to decide how to make this year even better than the last.

For some, that might mean setting resolutions. But we all know how easily those pesky New Year’s resolutions get broken right?

Maybe in the past, you’ve set resolutions to lose weight or save more money. But somehow, life always seems to get in the way and those resolutions fall by the wayside.

If you’re tired of making resolutions that you never keep, it might be time to try something new.

This year, instead of making a list of New Year’s resolutions that you may or may not stick to, why not create a vision board?

A vision board is a visual representation of your goals and dreams.

It’s a way to help you focus on what you want to achieve, and studies have shown it can be a really powerful tool in helping you manifest your dreams into reality.

If you’re not sure how to create a vision board, or you’re wondering if they really work, read on for everything you need to know!

What is a vision board?

A vision board is a collage of images, quotes, and affirmations that represent what you want to achieve in your life.

Putting together a visual representation of your goals helps to make them tangible, giving you something physical to strive for.

It can be used as a reminder of what your goals are, and will help keep you focused on achieving them.

Additionally, it allows you to become more creative in manifesting your desired outcomes.

As the saying goes: “A goal without a plan is just a wish” – creating a vision board puts a plan into action and sets up conditions for success in whatever areas of life you want to improve!

The idea behind a vision board is that by surrounding yourself with positive visual reminders of what you want to achieve, you’ll be more likely to take action and make your goals a reality.

How to create a vision board

Creating a vision board is quite simple. All you need is some kind of medium (posterboard, cardboard, etc.), scissors, magazines, glue and any other decorations you might want to add.

Once you have all your supplies gathered, it’s time to get started!

Step 1: Brainstorming

First, it is important to be clear about what you want to achieve. What are your goals? What do you want to manifest in your life?

Make sure your goals are positive intentions that will bring more joy and fulfillment into your life.

This can be anything from wanting to find a new job or launching your own business to learning how to improve your cooking skills or taking a vacation somewhere exotic.

Step 2: Collect images that represent these goals

Once you have your list of goals, start looking through magazines and other materials for images that represent them.

Choose pictures that make you feel inspired and motivated to pursue whatever it is you’re aiming for.

This can be done by tearing out pictures from magazines or printing out images from Pinterest etc. You can also add words or phrases that remind you of why these goals are important to you.

Step 3: Assemble your vision board

Glue your pictures onto a large piece of card or in a scrapbook. If you prefer you can also use online images to create a digital board with Canva.

Once you’re done, hang your vision board in a place where you’ll see it often, such as on the fridge or in your office.

Seeing it regularly will help keep your goals top of mind and increase your chances of achieving them.

What should you not put on a vision board?

There are a few things you should avoid putting on your vision board if you want it to be effective. First, resist the urge to put too many items on your board.

A cluttered board will be visually overwhelming and make it difficult for you to focus on your goals. Second, steer clear of anything negative or depressing.

A vision board is meant to be a positive representation of your dreams and aspirations. It should be filled with inspiring images, affirmations, and goals that you want to achieve.

Photo by Atiya Walker on Unsplash

How to manifest a vision board?

Manifesting your vision board is more than just creating a pretty picture – it’s about setting an intention that will stay with you throughout the year.

Begin by focusing on what you want to achieve and then create a vision of how you’ll get there.

Think about what feelings and emotions you want to experience when you reach your goals, and put images on the board that represent those feelings.

Visualize yourself achieving your goals and be sure to include affirmations – positive statements that remind you of the truth of who you are and help to keep you focused on what you want.

Most importantly, you need to take action steps to achieve your goals.

This might mean signing up for that dance class you’ve always wanted to take, or opening up a savings account to start saving for that big trip you’ve been dreaming of taking.

Spend some time either each day, once a week, every 2 weeks or even once a month (it really depends on what works for you..), looking at your vision board and reviewing the action steps you’re taking towards your goals.

This should be done ideally just before you fall asleep. When you review your vision board be sure to speak kindly to yourself and focus on the positive aspects of achieving your goals.

Feeling gratitude for what you have already achieved is also important. The more positive energy you put into manifestation, the more likely it is that your vision will become reality.

Does a vision board really work?

Creating a vision board certainly won’t guarantee that you’ll reach your goals, but it can be an incredibly helpful tool.

Reflecting on the images and affirmations regularly helps to keep them top of mind – plus, it’s also great motivation!

Regular reflection is key when using a vision board; this acknowledgement gives power to your dreams, so you have what you need to stay motivated and focused until they come true.

This content was first published on MyFashionLifeBlog and should not be copied or reproduced.
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