It doesn’t matter who your child is or how old they are, stress is a part of life.

Your child is going to want to and has to learn how to deal with it at some point. Why not start early on?

As a parent, you want to see your child happy and healthy, and one aspect you can’t overlook is stress and anxiety.

Be proactive in this area so that you can achieve positive results together. Start by reviewing tips to help your child effectively reduce and manage stress so that you can both feel happier and grow a deeper bond.

Limit Screen Time

Too much technology and TV or media can be stressful and overwhelming for your child even if you don’t realise it. It can also make it hard for your child to fall and stay asleep.

Help your child effectively reduce and manage stress by limiting their screen time at home and consider scheduling a fun playdate instead.

A media diet and being diligent about unplugging will help your child avoid negative content and constant stimulation.

You want them to feel safe so make sure that you’re also mindful about what you watch and the news you put on when they’re around.

Make Time for Play & Creativity

A great way for you to help your child effectively reduce and manage stress is to make more time for play and for them to apply their creativity.

Bring out the arts and crafts some days or head to the park and run around with them. Getting them a variety of fidget toys they can play with daily or when they feel stressed or anxious will also be beneficial.

Play is essential for your child as they learn and develop and it’ll put a smile on their face. Spark joy and create lasting memories with your child by exploring and shop for penguin collectibles online.

Talk to Them

It’s a simple tip that works but many parents aren’t doing it regularly enough. Help your child effectively reduce and manage stress by talking to them.

Open and honest communication is a vital component to finding success in this area and should be a top priority in your household for the best results.

Make sure your child knows they can come to you to share their feelings and fears and then lend an open ear and show you care by not being distracted as they talk.

Be patient and non-judgmental as your child expresses themselves and shares what’s on their mind with you.

Find Ways to Relax

Help your child effectively reduce and manage stress by teaching them relaxation techniques. Find ways to relax and model this behaviour yourself at home so that they can follow your lead.

Engage in and practice methods of relaxation with your child so they know how to do so on their own.

There are also coping mechanisms you can present to them such as doing deep breathing exercises, spending time outdoors, and journaling.

If you all find ways to relax as a family then doing so will be built into your lifestyle and routine.

Have A Bedtime Routine & Sleep Schedule

Make sleep a priority if you want your child to feel their best and not be as stressed. Lack of sleep can negatively impact their mood and their school performance.

Have a bedtime routine and sleep schedule that you and your child stick to in your home. A bedtime routine will help them wind down and get them to feel tired enough to fall asleep.

Try to go to bed and wake up around the same time each day as well if you want your child to be healthy and well and feel less anxious.

Turn to reading books or telling them a bedtime story instead of allowing them screen time before bed.

Avoid Over Scheduling

Your child is more likely to feel stressed out and anxious when they are doing too much and have too much on their plate.

Help your child effectively reduce and manage stress by avoiding overscheduling them at school and home.

Have them choose one or two activities to get involved with and then see how much happier they are when they’re living a balanced lifestyle.

Having too much to do daily can put a lot of extra pressure and stress on your child which can weigh them down. They may even enjoy their activities and days less when they have too much going on.

Your child needs downtime and as the parent, you need to be the one to recognise and reinforce this for them.  

Stay Calm Yourself

You also need to keep in mind that your mood and level of stress matter and impact your child. Another way to help your child effectively reduce and manage stress is to stay calm yourself.

Your calmness impacts your child and household so make sure you are paying attention to your words and actions and reactions.

Your child will sense any uneasiness you give off so try your best to proactively deal with your own stress and not carry it around with you.

Your child is observing you and looking to you for cues and wants to know that everything is fine and okay.

Have stress reduction techniques you use to help you remain calm and be aware when you’re feeling overwhelmed so you don’t let it take over and negatively impact your home and child.

To conclude…

Consider implementing these ideas if you want to help your child effectively reduce and manage stress. It will require effort and patience on your part but it’ll be worth it once you all feel good and are getting along better.

Of course, you can’t control and remove all stress from life and a little bit of stress is healthy but you can take measures to ensure it remains under control. It all starts with having an awareness of your thoughts and feelings as well as what your child is going through so you can help them cope.

This content was first published on MyFashionLifeBlog and should not be copied or reproduced.
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