Entering a rehab facility may make you feel a bit anxious since you’ll be staying in a different environment for quite some time. You also don’t know what to expect while you are there, so you may have trouble figuring out what to pack. This may seem like a minor concern but the things you bring in rehab can make your stay comfortable.

The good news is whether you will be in an Orlando drug rehab or somewhere else, treatment centers often provide an information sheet to help you prepare the things you will need to bring. You still need to keep in mind that every treatment center is different and has different policies when it comes to what you can bring for your in-patient treatment. To guide you as you prepare to enter rehab, here are some things you should and shouldn’t bring.

What You Should Bring

The admission process includes having your bags inspected to make sure that you have no prohibited items with you. In some rehab centers, they will allow certain items while others won’t. Most treatment centers allow the following items:

  • Clothing – Most rehab facilities have strict rules on clothing so you need to pack smart. You may also have limited space, so avoid bringing too much. You will most likely have access to laundry facilities, so packing for at least seven days should be sufficient. When choosing what kinds of clothes you need to pack, consider what is appropriate for the weather and bring comfortable and easy-to-wash clothing. Leave behind any items that would need special care like dry cleaning. 
    • Shirts – For shirts, tank tops are usually allowed but you may need to bring cardigans to wear over them. You also need some extra tops in case you need to change for athletic activities.
    • Pants, shorts, or skirts – Pack casual and athletic pants that fit comfortably. When it comes to skirts and shorts, make sure to check with the center’s dress code as they may need to be of a particular length.
    • Shoes and slippers – You need more than a pair of shoes in rehab. Bring comfortable shoes for everyday wear, flip-flops you can use in showers, and slippers you can wear before going to bed and during morning routines. You also need a pair of athletic shoes for outdoor activities.  
    • Undergarments and pajamas – Leave the lingerie at home in favor of pieces that are cottony and comfortable.
    • Outerwear – You may want to bring a coat or jacket so you can easily layer it over your clothing in case you feel cold.
    • Bathrobe – This can be helpful if the treatment center you are entering has a shared shower or a swimming pool.
    • Swimwear – For women, the appropriate swimwear is a one-piece bathing suit. On the other hand, men are required to wear a pair of trunks.
    • Clothing for special occasions – You may also want to pack a couple of dressy outfits for events that the rehab organizes, like Family Night.
  • Toiletries – Most rehab centers will allow you to bring 100% alcohol-free toiletries. This also applies to antiseptic mouthwash. Some rehab may allow toiletries containing alcohol as long as it isn’t listed as one of the first three ingredients. You should also check if the facility you’ll be entering allows disposable razors.
  • Stick deodorant
  • Toothbrush and toothpaste
  • Shampoo and conditioner
  • Comb/brush
  • Hairstyling products like hair gel and hairspray in pump bottles
  • Lotion
  • Sunscreen
  • Feminine hygiene products
  • Makeup
  • Shaving cream
  • Important Items
    • A list of contact information of people you want to be involved in your treatment
    • Checkbook, debit/credit cards, or cash – In case you need to pay for any treatment medications, it’s always good to be prepared. Also, some treatment centers may have vending machines so it’s good to have some cash with you.
    • Health insurance cards and other forms of identification like your passport or driver’s license
    • Medications you are currently prescribed – Make sure to keep them in the original pharmacy bottle with the information label. If you will bring any liquid medication, it needs to be new and sealed. It’s also best to bring a list of all your medications and dosages.
    • Photos of your loved ones
    • Jewelry – It’s best to keep accessories minimal and only bring what you wear every day, like your watch or wedding ring.
    • Stationery and stamps – In case you would want to send some mail, you need to have these on hand.
    • Journal – Most rehab facilities encourage journaling to express your feelings.

What You Shouldn’t Bring

Rehab facilities prohibit certain items to ensure your safety and to create the best environment that will help with your recovery. In rehab, your focus should be on your treatment, so anything that will interfere with that objective is prohibited. The rules may vary depending on the rehab center, but the following items are the most common ones that are you not permitted to bring:

  • Drugs and alcohol including narcotics and prohibited substances, unapproved prescriptions, and opened over-the-counter medications
  • Weapons or sharp objects such as knives, guns, and scissors
  • Pornography
  • Food and drinks
  • Inappropriate clothing such as revealing clothes or any clothing that has any references to drugs, alcohol, or violence
  • Candles and incense
  • Aerosol and toiletries containing alcohol

Optional Items

Since every rehab has a different treatment approach, each may have different rules on what items you bring with you. If you wish to bring these items, first check with the facility about what their rules are for the following:

  • Electronic gadgets – Some rehab facilities allow cell phones, laptops, and cd players while others have a gadget-free policy for patients.
  • Tobacco – There are some facilities that allow you to smoke, but they have a limit on how many cigarette packs you can bring.
  • Cameras – In some rehab centers, you can bring your camera as long as it is not internet-capable.
  • Nail clippers – This is allowed in some places, while others consider this as a sharp object.
  • Bedding – This is provided by the facility, but some may allow you to bring your own pillows or blankets to make your space more comfortable.

Treatment centers may have different rules and policies but they all have something in common: They all want to help you get better. They aim to support your recovery and help you live a substance-free life. To do that, you need to focus on your treatment and remove anything that may distract you from doing so. If you are unsure of an item that you’d like to bring with you, contact the rehab center for clarifications.

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