Many of us are very conscious about how we dress our kids and given that it reflects on the parents this is very much a good idea. Fashion for kids however is not like adult fashion because after all they are still children and we want them to really have fun with it. Not only this but let’s be honest, there is little point in spending big cash on kids’ clothing only for it to be covered in crayons and chocolate within the hour. 

If you are looking for some cool fashion tips for your kiddos, here are some suggestions to consider. 

Cool Backpacks 

Kids need their backpacks to carry all of their favorite toys and books and this is very much a staple of their fashion choice. For this reason, a personalised kids backpack is the ultimate choice for them. There are two main reasons why this is a great idea, the first is that it looks super cool and the second is that they are going to be far less likely to lose it at school or when they go to play at a friend’s house. 

Matching With You 

One of the cutest fashion options to consider is to have them matching their outfit with yours. Now usually you’ll have to look for something simple here as most clothing producers don’t make sizes in the same clothes for kids and adults. This however will make sure that everyone knows just how trendy you both are, and everyone will be turning their heads. 

Proper Fit Is Absolutely Everything 

Getting clothes that fit your kids perfectly is in fact very difficult because of just how fast they are growing. With this being said however if you can get the fit right then you are going to gain some serious style points. Another great benefit of clothes which fit well is that kids are far less likely to move them around and fidget, which of course ends up giving them something of a bedraggled look. 

Don’t Be Afraid of Characters 

Kids love stories and cartoons, fairy tales and characters from the television, and there is nothing wrong with incorporating this into their outfits. The best way to do this however is to keep it subtle, this way they can be super trendy and stylish, but still have fun as a kid with their clothes. When innocence and fun meet fashion, you know you’ve done something right. 


A lot of parents seem to think that they cannot accessorize their kids but the truth is that they love wearing all kinds of things like hats and sunglasses, so why shouldn’t you let them use those items? As long as the accessories match the outfit that they have on, there is nothing wrong with giving them a little something extra on their outfit for style points. 

Follow these tips and make sure that your kids looks the fashionista that all parents want them to, and in all honesty, that all kids want too. 

This content was first published on MyFashionLifeBlog and should not be copied or reproduced.
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