If you’re looking at making more money this year, then it’s something that’s certainly possible.

A lot of us will likely earn the same amount every month and for most people, that’s something that they’re complacent with.

However, it might be that you’d like to give yourself the opportunity of having no limit as to what you could make each month or year.

With that being said, here are ten ways to make more money this year, regardless of what you currently do.

Start A Business

Have you spotted a gap in the market that could make you a ton of money? Perhaps you and a friend have been actively talking about starting something together? When starting a business, it doesn’t always have to mean that you quit your day job straight away. In fact, a lot of businesses have started as a side hustle and have eventually turned into a full-time venture once it’s started making a serious amount of money. You shouldn’t be expected to quit your day job either as not every business is guaranteed to have success. A lot of it is down to luck, timing and having the right idea in the first place.

If you’ve been thinking about it for a while, then it’s something that you should at least move forward with. There are lots of people with side hustles nowadays and that’s probably made more frequent than previous years because of how influential and powerful the internet has become.

Ask For That Promotion Or Pay Rise

If you don’t ask, then you don’t get right? It’s important that you know your worth and often at times when you least expect it, you’ll get rewarded. However, when it comes to biting the bullet and being ballsy, it’s worth pitching yourself to your current employer about why you should receive a pay rise or be considered for a promotion. Sometimes, it’s important to show that you’re eager to progress up the career ladder, especially when you’re willing to stay with the company that you’re in now.

Don’t be afraid to ask or to suggest an opportunity in which you can speak openly and honestly about your career progression. Those who’ve managed to achieve bigger salaries have not only worked hard to get there but they’ve also known what their worth was when it comes to your career and what you offer to the company. It’s good to be bold!

Invest Some Of Your Savings

Your savings are something that you want to build upon where you can and so when it comes to your savings, think about investing some of them. Investing requires some research on your part because it’s not always as simple as just dumping your money in a pot and hoping that in a short or long period of time, you’ll have a bigger amount of money. The more research you can do on investment opportunities, the more you’ll end up making and profiting from.

There are also loads of different investment options that are worth looking at. Whether it’s the stock exchange, peer-to-peer investing, the property ladder or cryptocurrency, it’s always good to diversify your portfolio where you can. 

Create A Blog Or YouTube Channel

Many people both young and mature, are creating online blogs and social media channels that amass hundreds of thousands, if not millions of followers or subscribers. It’s something that everyone could essentially get a stake in if they were willing to put in the time and effort to do so. Creating a blog is a lucrative way of working with brands and companies, whilst doing some you love which may be writing. On the flipside, you could make your own YouTube channel where you create content around your daily life or perhaps work with brands to create engaging content that ends up being liked by millions of people around the world.

There is so much potential that can come with social media and there’s enough room for everyone to have the opportunity to make something successful from it. It’s definitely worth utilizing and taking full advantage of if you get the chance. Market yourself with promotional products and build your audience over time to be successful.

Provide Online Services

Depending on your talents, you might be able to offer some services online through the various platforms readily available. Whether you’re a talent at designing websites or you’re good with managing social media, there’s always going to be people and businesses needing services online, just like there is for the online world. There are many platforms like Fiverr for example, that advertise what it is you can provide to its customers who are looking to take advantage of services across a variety of industries.

So if you’ve got some form of talent or skill that you feel is going to make you some money, then it’s worth setting yourself up on these platforms. Who knows just how much money you might be able to make!

Write & Publish A Book

There’s a lot of opportunity that comes from the online world nowadays and one of them is the ability to self-publish your writing. You no longer need to have a newspaper or magazine or a publishing house if you want to get your work published for the world to see. One of the best ways to write a book nowadays is to self-publish it through the likes of Amazon. This is a great way of getting your book out there to the masses without having to wait to be accepted by a publishing house. Of course, a publishing house can provide that audience but it’s not to say that you can’t achieve the same or similar levels of success by doing it all yourself. 

It can be especially successful if you’ve managed to create a following too!

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Do Translation Work

If you’re a dab hand at translating then this sort of work is going to be in regular supply across a range of industries. There’s always translation work that needs the assistance of translators whether you’re well-versed in just the one language other than your native one or you are multilingual. The more languages you know, the more valuable you become. There are also plenty of sites dedicated solely to connecting translators to clients who need them. Usually they might take a commission but then again, this may end up being something that the client incurs. 

Get Rid Of Your Old Stuff By Selling It

If you’re wanting to get rid of your old stuff, then it’s worth selling it, rather than just giving it away or donating it. There’s always something that you own that you perhaps don’t use anymore or don’t have much use for it currently. If that’s the case, then make use of the many websites that actively sell second-hand items whether it’s clothing or games consoles. There’s a site that’s dedicated to pretty much anything and everything that you have in your home.

Start Streaming On Twitch

Another platform that is fast becoming a huge success is Twitch. There are so many individuals that are using this platform to maximise their growth and success as either a gamer or just someone who simply chats about random things in their life. It’s a lot like YouTube but it’s turning out to be a more popular and financially worthy platform to be on and so if you’re looking to build up a following and perhaps have a passion that lies with those who would be on Twitch, then it’s definitely worth giving this platform a go!

It’s worth thinking about what it is you want to do on this platform as you want to create a channel that’s got it’s own niche and is going to be interesting to talk about or do for hours on end. The more you stream, the more successful it all becomes.

Sell Your Photography

If you have an eye for photography then there are plenty of opportunities where you can sell your photography if that’s something that you’re interested in doing. It’s definitely something that can bring in an income if you have the right equipment for it. Saying that, a lot of the latest mobile phone devices have a good enough camera to take quality photos. Depending on your level of expertise and the type of photography you shoot, will dictate how much you make. It’s something that you need to build upon and to create a really lengthy portfolio of images. Eventually you’ll start to make more from the photos you take, especially when you start getting regular clients who come back for more of your stock photography or requests for specific photos.

Making more money than you usually make in a year is always possible. It’s all about how much you’re willing to commit towards your crafts or to the things that need doing in order to achieve it. With that being said, use these tips to make more money this year than you ever have before!

This content was first published on MyFashionLifeBlog and should not be copied or reproduced.
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