Times are tough at the moment thanks to Coronavirus.

With many people being forced out of their jobs and the economy, in general, taking a nosedive, the thought of trying to save money for home improvements may feel daunting at the moment. Especially if your budget is extremely tight.

Here you have two options – you either patiently wait so that your budget grows and you can afford everything in one lump sum, or you use some clever tricks to both improve your home and spend as little as possible.

How, we hear you ask?

Here’s your guide to saving money on home improvements in 2021.

saving money on home improvements in 2021

Upcycle instead of replacing

It’s easy to be fooled into thinking that once a piece of furniture is no longer in the style you want that you must replace it – and this is completely wrong!

If a piece of furniture no longer suits the style you’re after but still serves the same job as before, then consider upcycling before dipping into your savings to replace it.

A coffee table, for example, can be transformed into something beautiful and all you need is a little imagination! With upcycling you can repaint, interchange items such as handles, and the best part?

The limit is your imagination. Here are some wonderful upcycling inspiration ideas for the next time you’re considering replacing some furniture.

Invest in the best for your floors

Your floors take a lot of stick, and when there’s foot traffic (especially during lockdown) throughout the day it’s no wonder your floors are looking tired and old.

Replacing your floors can amount to a great cost depending on what kind of floor you’re after. If you’re looking for a hardwearing floor that’s going to look great even in years to come, it’s best to go for something like engineered wood flooring to see you through the years.

Not only is it hard wearing, but it’s stylish too, meaning you don’t have to compromise on style.

Get paint happy!

Paint is an amazing way of giving something a new lease of life, and whether you’re planning on painting the walls, cupboard doors, or even your floors, you can spruce up your home without having to spend any more than the cost of a tin of paint.

Choose light and airy colours to open up small spaces, and think about the colours you’re using and how they may affect your mood or how warm or cool the room will feel.

These factors play a huge part in how you feel about a room!

Decorate with accessories

Finally, home improvement doesn’t necessarily mean spending lots of money on expensive wallpaper and furniture as you can decorate with accessories with exactly the same effect!

Use throws to cover old couches, change up your cushion covers, and choose new curtains to match the colour scheme you’re after.

The best bit?

You can buy multiple versions of your accessories in different colours to interchange as and when you feel like it!

This content was first published on MyFashionLifeBlog and should not be copied or reproduced.
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