
So your makeup bag is full, inside there are lotions and potions you have never used and you can’t even begin to understand what that contour kit does. You need to clear out the unused makeup, bin those products and only keep the daily essentials! The everyday must haves and the cosmetics you really need in your makeup bag. We’ve collaborated with North West Cosmetics to understand what are the most essential cosmetic items?


Maybe it isn’t makeup but maybe it IS the most important cosmetic item to have in your bag. Keeping your skin looking perfect doesn’t have to take all the time in the world. Having clean and hydrated skin is simple if you choose the right cleanser. There are thousands out there, different types with different purposes and fragrances. There are herbal remedy style cleansers made from everyday foods such as lemon and honey. Cleansers can transform dry, dull and patchy skin into soft, smooth, and toned. The best ones are ones without alcohol because that can really dehydrate your skin. We recommend you use them once in the morning and once at night to see the best results, but this can differ depending on the product!

THE must have product for any woman or man wanting to look fresh all day every day is concealer. Providing coverage from dawn until dusk, the best concealer can be the most essential product in any makeup bag. Now you could go all out and purchase something like Skin Caviar from La Prairie however, it does cost £146 and might smell like fish if it’s made of caviar. Instead there are many cheaper alternatives that can provide as much coverage over blemishes, dark circles and wrinkles without breaking the bank. Whatever the price your chosen concealer must provide you with long lasting coverage and hopefully be just a shade lighter than your skin tone.

The best tip for concealer is to rub it in with your finger instead of using a brush. This way you can cover every blemish, patch of redness and dark circle with precision.


Mascara is always a girl’s best friend. Brightening the eyes can have such an impact on the rest of your face. Make sure not to over do it with mascara, you don’t want to end up looking like you have just got home from a panda convention. Shop around until you find the best one for you. You may even consider different colours such as blue or brown. This product is an essential cosmetic item to keep inside your makeup bag!

Although this is not exactly an essential, a good foundation can illuminate your skin. We beg you to please make sure it matches your skin tone! There is nothing worse than a foundation that does nothing for you. It makes you look like something out of the circus and you have ended up spending so much money on it for no reason. Take the time to pick the best foundation for you which matches your skin tone!

What you must remember is that you need to find the best products for you. No matter what the price, you need to know that the product can provide you with the best coverage, best looking skin and best results. If it doesn’t do all this, then it shouldn’t be part of the daily essential cosmetic items!

This content was first published on MyFashionLifeBlog and should not be copied or reproduced.
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