While a handful of restaurants have banned people from using smartphones while dining, most eateries recognize that they and their customers can benefit from smartphone trends. With 154 million social media users, restaurateurs might as well learn to live with smartphones in their establishments. The truth, however, is that diners are doing much more than checking email and chatting with friends online. Three out of 10 diners actually use their smartphones to pay bills. Savvy restaurant owners can use this trend to their advantage.

When it comes to paying bills, many people prefer using smartphone apps instead of credit cards. An app like Apple Pay offers more security than paying with a credit or debit card. It and similar apps keep the payer’s information private while making it easy for them to pay bills. This makes customers feel safe while reducing the time it takes for them to pay for their meals. That’s good news for customers and restaurants.

Many restaurants have also started to link their loyalty programs to social media sites. Restaurants that offer free Wi-Fi can encourage customers to use their T-Mobile 4G LTE smartphones to share pictures of their meals, comment on the great service they received, and earn points that will give them coupons and freebies.

As smartphones continue to grow in popularity, the most successful restaurants will find innovative ways to make them a part of each customer’s experience. Trying to keep mobile phones out of restaurants simply will not work in today’s tech-savvy culture. As mobile-friendly restaurants prosper, their competitors will have to recognize that. Not convinced? Just check out these insights to see how mobile phones are changing the ways order food, pay their bills, and share their experiences with others.


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