
New Year resolutions about getting healthy get all the publicity, but arguably the summer is a better time to decide to make life changes for the better. The weather lets us get out and about so exercise in the open air becomes an attractive option and there is such a yummy selection of healthy food available. But how best to make use of this opportunity? Here’s four top ideas:

1.Get active.

Yes it’s obvious, but the health benefits of exercise are undeniable. It has to be energetic enough to raise your heart rate though, so at least be thinking of a brisk walk, swim or cycling expedition. If you are physically able to start regular jogging (and of course always consult your doctor or health professional before embarking on any exercise regime) then modern technology may make it a lot more rewarding. For instance, many smart watches have functions to monitor distance, calories burnt and so on, but there are also great exercise apps for your smart phone that will do the same sort of thing, as well as tracking your run, storing statistics to chart your progress and enabling you to share that spectacular personal best on Facebook!

2. Try something new

It is easy to get bored or de-motivated, especially in the early stages when it seems all effort and little gain. So try a number of activities to see what suits you; like dance classes, aerobics or spin. If you’re not so keen on high impact exercise, yoga is a meditative and relaxing exercise, as is swimming.

3. Stop smoking

If you are still struggling to quit then again, technology may be able to offer a hand. E-cigarettes are becoming familiar now to many people. They produce none of the smoke associated with traditional cigarettes and they could offer many smokers the chance to cut down or eliminate their cigarette consumption. It is wise to compare electronic cigarettes kits if you are thinking of switching from traditional smoking, as many models differ widely in their construction, look and feel, not to mention the immense range of flavours on offer.

4. Eat well

That means taking advantage of summer’s rich variety of seasonal fresh food. Though the idea of eating salads doesn’t particularly appeal to many people, it’s all about putting in the right ingredients to make a delicious salad. Try avocados for instance with their many vitamins, potassium and antioxidants and red peppers for their high Vitamin C content, Lycopene and other antioxidants. Add nuts, lean meats like chicken and fish, and keep your dressings light.

So make that resolution now and enjoy the sunshine while it lasts – you will definitely thank yourself for it later in the year.

Image by Rance Costa used under the Creative Commons license.


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