Let’s face it, getting fit is no easy feat. Every day we wake up with the goal of getting a toned bod just in time for summer, in fact we started 2015 off like most with the resolution that’d we kick ourselves into gear. If Beyonce (who has the same 24 hours as us) can perform and shake her booty for hours on end without breaking into too much of a sweat, then surely we should be able to get into shape right?

Yep, that’s what we told ourselves at the start of the year, but somehow life got in the way and our excuses started to roll in…”it’s too cold, we’re too tired….we’ll start tomorrow”. The truth is, there’s no excuse for not getting some exercise in at least once a week.

Keeping fit is essential for a healthy lifestyle and should be a non-negotiable part of our weekly routine. Not only do we feel better about ourselves after a great workout but most importantly exercise keeps our mind, body and soul in balance.

If like us, you’ve yourself fallen right back into your old routine of vegging out in front of the sofa then Reebok’s “Be more human” video featured above is a must watch.

Launched with the aim to challenge and encourage us all to be the best version of ourselves physically, the motivational video is very inspiring and we must admit it left us feeling extremely motivated. Anything that gets us in “workout” mode receives a thumbs up from us and yes we’ll probably be watching this every day.

This post has been sponsored by Reebok but concerns our own opinion.

This content was first published on MyFashionLifeBlog and should not be copied or reproduced.
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