Gardens can be cool. And we’re not talking about a moderate temperature – we’re referring to giving your garden some style and pizazz.

Brighter colours, upcycled materials, modifying household objects for a bolder purpose, and growing exotic and downright funky produce are all part and parcel of pimping up your garden into a slick showcase of sassiness. Additionally, if you have a big garden or a couple of shrub-based jobs, you can benefit a lot from garden tools like hedge trimmers. There are also lightweight options to avoid you getting into accidents while trimming hedges, this is according to BestOfMachinery tool review site.–

It doesn’t need to be an expensive or time-consuming skill, and many of the simplest and best solutions can be found on gardening websites – click here to find out more – although putting some serious imagination and creativity into your backyard can’t hurt. For example, many homes have now eschewed the average pot for their plants, and have moved on to baths, kitchen bowls, wellington boots, cups, and even toilets for hosting plants?

An old car, destined for the scrapyard, is a veritable treasure trove for the gardener – wheel trims, exhausts, and even hubcaps will hold a pot plant in superb style. With a bit of work and a mechanic friend or two you can even take it further; some petrol heads have converted the rear half of their car into a swingseat, and the front half, filleted of the engine, into a spectacular flower bed.
Old bald tyres are cheap from scrapyards – use the money you’ve saved to buy some hardy paint and give them a new lease of life.

The saying ‘One man’s trash is another man’s treasure’ has never been truer than in the gardening world. Old bricks which you’ll find in practically any wasteland can easily be converted into a brick pit or barbecue which barely even needs cement.

Bottles can be filled with coloured sand or marbles, bowls can be turned upside down and painted like mushrooms, and pallets can be painted or arranged into stools, seats, and wall, each securing enough soil for a small scene – you could even grow your own miniature vertical garden.

Trim any trees that are getting out of control. You can use an online tree expert like this expert tree service and gardening maintenance in Des Moines.

Two sturdy trees near to one another are crying out for a hammock at the very least, but even cooler – especially if you have children – is the potential for a tent of great quality.

Attach a pole or rope between the trees and drape a sheet, blanket, curtains or false animal skin over, to create a blinding Bedouin-style canopy for the summer. This Pinterest gallery is stacked with ideas that will add originality to your space, from greenhouses created from recycled bottles, to rockeries composed of pebbles shaped like little feet.

Sometimes all you need is a little rearrangement, or a new plant or two. Your hanging baskets could hang from a tree rather than your house, while potted plants can be arranged inside a flower bed – one formation that looks good is a giant pot in the centre surrounded by smaller bowls.

These are aesthetic concerns, but if you use your garden to grow your own food then adding an exotic fruit or vegetable can be a nutritious and exciting boost. For example kiwi fruits, figs, and almonds all taste great and are a real talking point for visitors – but far easier to grow than one might expect. Find out how to grow super healthy goji berries from fruit expert here.

Your garden is a haven and a home; a pad and a palace; a source of relaxation and a source of inspiration. It is your own world, and you set the rules – so make them fun.

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