Cat owners, this one's for you. Have you ever looked adoringly at your feline friend and wondered why they do what they do? One question we and an army of other cat owners and lovers have is the following: Why do they knead with their paws? Well, the FELIX® cat food team have taken it upon themselves to analyse cats' behavioural tendencies to answer our probing question, and have actually managed to uncover, dissect and analyse their unique mannerisms to get to the bottom of it. Not too demanding of us, was it?
The creative, fun video below presents the lengths cats will go to in preparation for their favourite meal, which just might very well be the new FELIX Sensations® Sauce Surprise. Funny, that! It also answers the key "why do cats knead?" question which is a giant weight off our shoulders. In a nutshell, cats knead in order to rehearse for their meal time, so they can squeeze out every last succulent drop from the pouch! Hands up if you learnt something new today… and on a side but somewhat related note, we feel the need to tell you that can't help but burst into song when while writing this. In particular the Everybody Wants to be a Cat song from Disney's The Aristocats.
And now we definitely see where they were coming from when penning the song – what's not to love about lazing around all day, grooming yourself, receiving lots of attention from your owners, and preparing for your favourite meal in unique style?
Make sure you watch the video below for yourselves to see what we mean. What do you make of the video? Let us know your thoughts by commenting below, or dropping us a Tweet on @MyFashionLifeBlog or through our My Fashion Life Blog Facebook account. We're intrigued to know what you think!
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