She has the hat and the mouse, it looks like the only things Dakota Fanning is missing are a white rabbit and a blue dress and she’s pretty much Alice in Wonderland!

We love the magazine’s choice to put Dakota Fanning on the April/May front cover since we’ve loved her from the moment we very first set eyes on her adorable self all those years ago.  The 18-year-old actress (hasn’t time flown?!)  is wearing a stunning Emporio Armani dress and was photographed by the very talented Cedric Buchet.

We’re not quite sure why she’s been given a Downton Abbey style make-over, which unfortunately does age her ever so slightly, but we think she pulls it off. Possibly because Dakota has been on the acting scene pretty much her entire life and we sometimes regard her as older than her years?

We can’t wait to see this editorial as we have a feeling it will be just as enchanting and elegant as the cover.


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