As I have said to myself in front of many a fitting room mirror, there is a fine line between cropped jeans and jeans that just look like they have shrunk in the wash. Get it right and you could be all hollaback like Gwen Stefani, get it wrong and you might look like Stephen Merchant squeezed into a 30’’ leg. It may be worth a mention at this point that one of my main fashion fears is rolled-up jeans. I mean they just don’t look right. They also have the unfortunate effect of creating cankles if worn with flats. Quelle horreur. This is why, for me, anything higher than my ankle is a no-go.

I was more surprised than anyone this week when the fashion police rode into town and questioned our lovely Duchesses’ choice in jeans. A perennial J Brand fan, Kate has happily sported her fave pair of jeans on a number of occasions. To be honest, I think she looks fantastic and wouldn’t say a bad word about the future Queeny.

However, many out there are saying they were a rare fashion faux-pas for Kate. Not quite a cropped jean but not a full length leg, some fashion commentators have proclaimed that they just don’t look right. In her defense, I would take this pair over more cropped or rolled-up (shudder) jeans any day.  I mean an unassuming flash of ankle is no reason to criticize the girl is it?

So there! Doing my bit to uphold the country against royal treachery, I am going all out and saying that I am pro-Kate’s jeans. If you too are a fan you can buy them below…

J Brand 811 Mid-rise Skinny Leg Jeans, $170, available at Singer22.

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