Exciting news for all your Disney fans out there, the ever-cute Minne Mouse has launched a new milkshake flavour at Millions of Milkshakes in Hollywood, and her new reality TV show will be out soon!

But wait. Where are Minnie’s ears? Is that you, Amber Rose? What are you doing in that Disney inspired playsuit?

We know that Mickey – sorry, Kayne West – left you and you miss the bright spotlight of being an A-Lister, but a milkshake to promote your reality TV show? Really?

We could put aside your attempt at a retro red and white playsuit that would be better suited to a 50’s housewife, but we just can’t. It’s not in proportion to her body, the elasticated legs are ill-fitting, and it’s enormously unflattering.

Add in some tattoos, a shaved head and OTT make-up, and we’ve got a Z-List offender on our hands!

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