If you were down London’s Oxford Street Monday and happened to see an, er, interestingly-dressed faux redhead, chances are it was Rihanna – the singer was at Topshop’s flagship store styling up five competition winners to the very best of her sartorial ability.

The lucky ladies were chosen by Rihanna herself after they entered a competition on Topshop’s Inside-Out blog over the weekend, where they told the star exactly why they needed a complimentary styling appointment with her.

And as you might expect, there were hotpants, leather and sunglasses galore – all of which the winners got to take home with them – as well a Rhianna identikit styled up in suspender tights, a bodycon skirt and bodice.

The singer, meanwhile, opted to cram as many autumn trends into her look as possible: full skirt? Scrunched socks? Pointed block-heeled pumps? Check, check, check. Well, she is known for her fierce (and questionable) style, after all.

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