No it’s not back to school time, but we secretly wish it was so we could have a legitimate excuse to buy this divine Proenza Schouler satchel – not that we need an excuse to spend our pennies on yet more designer bags. But as this polished leather beauty isn’t strictly a handbag we figure that it warrants a whole new category when it comes to our bag budgets.

In a season that’s dominated by light fabrics and pastel shades the leather satchel offsets this girlishness to a tee, adding an urban edge to delicate looks , think what boyish brogues do for girly dresses. Unfortunately the Proenza Schouler satchel blows most of our monthly budget, let alone one for our bags, but high street classic Hobbs is our saviour with an impressively close match in the form of their NW3 Baystone bag.

Making the most of the rich heritage, Hobbs’ new look embodies a timeless London look that mixes classic tailoring with a quirky edge. Part of their NW3 collection, their leather satchel has the clasp detail and shoulder strap option that the Proenza Schouler number boasts, but at a fraction of the price. So forget the it-bag and go old-school with a good old fashioned satchel to carry your wares.

Proenza Schouler satchel £1,215 available from Hobbs satchel £139 available from

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