Henry Holland is the king of the gimmick, whether it be slogan t-shirts or prints, his quirky designs are the uniform of trend loving fashionistas. Well now he’s added a new string to his bow, he is now the designer of… wait for it… a mobile broadband dongle.

So, how excited are you?! Yeah, ok probably not very, but I do believe every area of your life should be fashionable, so why not your mobile broadband?!

House of Holland has teamed up with 02 to create this very special dongle. It is emblazoned with Henry’s spring/summer 09 trademark polka dots and his very own logo.

Talking about this collaboration, Henry said:

“I’m really pleased to have been asked to design this for O2. It’s a fun project and something great to give to all my friends and something I know they all need!

This is quite a random creation, and I am sure will spark a line of designer dongles, remember those Matthew Williamson Sky boxes?! And I guess if you need one, why not have a designer one?

The House of Holland O2 Mobile Broadband Pay & Go dongle (a bit of a moutful) goes on sale today, at O2 stores and online.

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