Alice Dellal

You may remember cutting the legs off your high rise jeans in your early teens. You may even remember when that same style of stone-wash denim slacks, a la Joey Lawrence from nineties sitcom Blossom, were considered a good look.

You may not, however, have ever thought that such a trend, with so few redeeming qualities, would make a return. But back they are and celebrity sightings of the offending garment are popping up with surprising ferocity.

Punk model, socialite, heiress, darling of the tabloids and perennial party goer (breathe) Alice Dellal has been sporting the shorts for months , usually teamed with her trademark leather jacket, cropped t-shirt and ripped jeans. And with her originality, unique sense of style and of course her genetically freakish and utterly gorgeous good looks, she can pull it off.

But it seems as though Jaime Winstone has been closely watching Ms Dellal’s wardrobe. She stepped out this week in a pair of thigh skimming travesties to the Diesel xXx bash, which marked the Italian denim brands 30th birthday. Here are the pictures so judge for yourself, but I’m not convinced.


Jaime Winstone

Brave enough to try out the trend? You can easily pick up some jeans or pre-cut shorts at vintage goldmine Beyond Retro or my favourite place for all things that nobody wants anymore, Ebay.

But remember only shorts that are bellybutton skimming and stop at the top of the thigh will cut it with this trend.

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