
After an atrocious week at work made better only by how god-awful my weekend was, I needed something pretty, I needed it fast, and I needed it not to cost a ton of money (yeah right, this is Manhattan!).

I’ve been thinking about getting a new wallet (to go with my bag quest when it comes to fruition). Currently I have a brown suede Gucci wallet I picked up while I lived in Italy for a summer about six years ago. Needless to say, the suede has seen better days, but the wallet itself is a bit of a chunker and I’m forever forgetting my subway pass, license, bank card etc as I swap everything into a smaller bag when going out on the weekends. Hence, new wallet that can also potentially double as a clutch (this also enables me to rationalize my way out of buyer’s remorse–it’s something I need. Right.).

I saw this gorgeous lovely soft leather Marc by Marc Jacobs wallet at Bloomingdales in SoHo over the weekend, but cream is just not practical. They called their store uptown, found that they had two left in my favorite apple green colour.

So I gamely hop on the subway, fend my way through rabid hordes of female shoppers, only to find that my wallet was sold out. I head back downtown on the subway to the Marc by Marc store in the West Village. They, too, are sold out. Hence the lovely world of online shopping and a charming Bloomie’s customer service rep named Jeanne who agreed to waive the $16 shipping fee (seriously?? a little excessive).

True, I don’t have my new wallet in my hot little hands at this moment, but at least if next week continues the downward spiral, I have something to look forward to. I’m not sure that I feel better, but I’m at least a little excited about my new wallet. How about you, do you indulge in retail therapy?

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