On 10th of June Lake of Garda reveals “Secrets of Fashion”
Welcomed in the evocative frame of Garden Park Sigurt? in Valeggio sul Mincio, this fashion show wants to be the venetian answer to the romanity of Piazza di Spagna.
Next 10th of June an extraordinary event will enrich the Italian fashion panorama. Lake of Garda will include, in the already rich cotillion of the local palimpsest, the fashion show “Secrets of Fashion”, a refined shop-window in fashion world and its fantastic creations.
The performance, organized by Grandi Eventi, one of the most active service’s agency connected to fashion world in Italy, will be a meeting between the most famous and innovative griffes of the moment. Famous people will announce every individual collection and enrich them with details and curiosities.
The wonderful atmosphere of Garden Park Sigurt?, one of the most beautiful five parks in the world situated in Valeggio sul Mincio, will accompany the event, almost like a leit motiv: a triumph of lights, perfumes and colours, which, connected to the luxuriance and the rarity of vegetation will be an irreplaceable frame of Beauty, goddess and heroine of this night.
Scenic power and park’s dreamy effects create a perfect stage for this fashion show “Secrets of Fashion”, in which the most important italian and international fashion designers will show their a/w, 2004/5 prete a porter collections. Corneliani, Mila Schon, Alviero Martini, Ren? Lezard, Max Mara, Sportmax, Angelo Marani are some of the griffes which will parade as a promenade in a floreal boutique, and the special guest of the show will be Alexandra Fede.
An highly qualified production and an equipment organized by leaders in their field will guarantee prestigious scenic effects. Twenty-five models coming from the best Italian and international fashion’s agencies will tread the platform interpreting their clothes as stage costumes.
Sky will be the event’s media partner and, in particular, Fashion tv and Tv Moda Channel which will shoot the whole fashion show. The event will broadcast 5 times a day for 7 days. Sponsors will be visible at the begining, in the middle and at the end of every serial.
The fashion show will be presented by Marco Liorni, the “Big Brother” special correspondent and the beautiful Kartika, little crabs’ ex model and neo-mother.
But, if fashion is fantasy and freedom, it can also become a way to be different and to annul differences. In this occasion “Secrets of Fashion” doesn’t want to forget those, invisible to the beauty society, foreign to the elegancy world.
So, people attending the fashion show will offer a help to .A.I.L., the Italian Association against Leukemia in Verona. This Association is an irreplaceable reference point for ill people and their families.
The fashion show avails itself of the pleading of Camera Nazionale della Moda, Ministero delle Attivit? Produttive, Camera di Commercio di Verona.
Per maggiori informazioni:
Grandi Eventi S.r.l.
Barbara Allegretti
Tel. 0376/67.14.11 r.a. Fax. 0376/67.14.12
[email protected]
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Media Partner: SKY
TV Moda: will shoot all the fashion show and will broadcast it 5 time a day for 7 days.
Fashion TV: will realize a three minutes special and will broadcast it 2 time a day for 15 days in 132 country of the world. Time: from 15.00 to 24.00 to cover the prime-time of Asia and America.