Another day, another batch of September issue covers get released, and this morning we’re heading to the good old US of A, where we’ll find none other than our very own Victoria Beckham posing pretty on the Stateside covers of Glamour.

Victoria Beckham really does reign supreme in the world of fashion, so we love the idea to have her posing in a bathtub full of bubbles wearing a sparkly tiara. Fashion Queen Victoria at your service!

We’re glad that she’s quite playful on the cover images, which were shot by Pamela Hanson; we love a serious VB pose as much as the next person (it is her signature, after all) but for a publication like Glamour, something a little more laid back is more appropriate. The second cover is a little more conventional tbhough – parted lips, a serious glare into the camera and those perfect pins proudly on display.

Which one is your favourite?


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