For this week’s Rate or Slate, we’ve successfully managed to convey our affinity for flowers in all guises!

Moving over to the red carpet, first up is Hilary Swank in an uber-feminine, very 50s Marc Jacobs resort 2013 number at the 3rd Annual amfAR Inspiration Gala in New York.

Following her up is Mrs. Zeta-Jones in a racy fall 2012 Zuhair Murad one sleeve cocktail dress at the LA red carpet premiere for ‘Rock of Ages.’

And, finally our Rate or Slate radar lands on Brit beauty Poppy Delevingne, who attended the Chanel Little Black Jacket exhibition launch in a pre fall 2012 Chanel dress (natch!).

We’re also excited to introduce the newest member of our Style Jury, the witty and super-talented Amy Marks of Wolf Whistle. *rapturous applause* Follow our newest style dissector at @wolfwhistle and read about her fashionable expeditions at

It’s over to our discerning Style Jury…

Fashion News Ed Says:

Hilary: ‘Not too fussed about Hilary in this outfit – quite forgettable and a bit too bland for my liking. An injection of colour would have been nice, or something that could be classed as a hair “style”. I don’t hate it; it’s just a bit “meh!”’

Catherine: ‘This dress shouldn’t work if you think about how old Catherine actually is, but I can’t take my eyes off her (for all the right reasons). I think she can rock this dress better than most people half her age; stupidly envious of her figure/ability to pull this off. Definitely my fave!’

Poppy: ‘Forget wearing your heart on your sleeve, it’s all about wearing your name on your body. Poppy has a model figure which is perfect for diversity, and means she can get away with virtually anything. This might be a bit mumsy for some people, but I reckon Poppy looks adorable!’

Amy says:

Hilary: ‘I feel like Hilary Swank is drowning herself unnecessarily in white satin and not even TRYING to pull herself out of that attractive but all engulfing lace swamp. Definitely a good-dress-on-the-wrong-woman scenario: put this on Sarah Jessica Parker and then get back to me.’

Catherine: ‘I’ve had chicken pox three times but as infectious diseases go, Catherine Zeta Jones’ is much prettier. That crud creeping around her neck looks itchy, though.’

Poppy: ‘My heart is saying “Summer of love!”, my head is saying “Grandmother’s tablecloth” and my television is saying “Little House on the Prairie.” But, more importantly: are they poppies on Poppy Delevingne’s dress? This is basically the classier way of wearing a tee shirt with a picture of your face on.’

You say:

‘C.Z dress is awesome, [the other two are] too sweet for me…especially the right one.’ – Leah Maritha Ali via Facebook

‘Poppy Delevingne should def sack her stylist! But my fav is Catherine Zeta Jones – love her dress!’ – @karykupkake via Twitter

‘Love Poppy, she looks so pretty. Think Catherine is a little too old for that dress & Hilary looks a bit old lady.’ – @KatieArmstrong via Twitter

‘Hilary looks stumpy, Catherine looks just slutty, Poppy looks amazing as always.’ – @stylesequel via Twitter

Verdict: RATE to the power of two.

Catherine Zeta-Jones’ age-defying (and, yes, a little on the short side) dress and Poppy’s blooming number (and sartorially clever way of punning) have won the critics over this week. Hilary, we want to see more of you and less of the dress, please!

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