You only have to visit My Fashion Life Blog for about a week to realise that we totally love the Karlie Klosses and Cara Delevingnes of the modelling world. 

However, when  all is said and done, no one really has a patch on the Gisele Bundchens or Elle Macphersons. At least, not yet. All you have to do is look at this image of Gisele and her perfect posterior for proof. Pippa Middleton, who?!

Ashamedly, we’re not fluent in French, but the words “idole” “sexy” and “healthy” that appear next to Gisele’s name on the June/July Vogue Paris cover must be a good thing. No need to read between the lines or get onto Google translate, we think we know what the magazine is getting at. And we totally agree!

If Gisele and her sandy but oh so pert and wonderful derriere aren’t motivation enough to put the chocolate down and hotfoot it to the gym, then nothing is!

Bravo Emmanuelle Alt for yet another smashing cover!


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