I’ve always believed when considering the purchase of an investment bag you should keep it super simple, classic, and in a neutral colour scheme. I’d never want to regret the purchase of an extortionate bright yellow, banana-shaped handbag – even though they were at the pinnacle of fashion three years ago.

Thus black bags have always been my fail-safe. I mean, what clashes with a black bag? Yup, nothing.

However, my dedication to the dark side can sometimes get a bit boring. That’s why I can fully appreciate the beauty of this vibrant purple Loewe Flamenco bag. It has a drawstring closure, two roomy inner compartments and detachable shoulder straps.

But of course its pièce de résistance is the colour. It’s eye-catching, fun and elegant all at the same time.

You can wear this bag with a neutral wardrobe for an instant pop of colour or team with other bright colours to take advantage of the colour-blocking trend. Loewe has been accessorising sophisticated Spaniards for over 150 years so they certainly know a thing or two about colour. They may have just swayed me away from black this time.

Loewe Flamenco Bag, £1295, available at Matches.

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