
Many admiring words have been spoken, of late, of the countless joys that coral can cast over one’s life. Words that I entirely agree with (perhaps I wrote them?) and, yes, I am in the midst of a passionate love affair with my new coral lipstick but if we are going to be fussy (let’s), I must admit I prefer peach.

It’s like coral’s bookish cousin, with a gentle aura of antiquity as opposed to visions of club Tropicana and leathery skin. There is something about coral that will always recall to me visions of 80s fashion shoots in Miami. Which really isn’t me at all. Far better to be draped in a world of antique beaded lamps, silk slips from China, and dimly lit dancing. This is the colour of drinking bitter coffee on a blustery afternoon, a cameo brooch, tarnished and secret in a dusty old chest.

In fabrics of velvet, silk, and lace, especially, there is something seductively historical and romantic about the colour. And whilst peach seems to whisper autumn to me, these silk dresses from Topshop are the perfect way to float through summer, light as air, leaving the scent of rose water, old books, and coffee in your wake……

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