
Yesterday, like many other ladies, I rushed to catch the official showing of Sex and the City the Movie. The plot is set three years after the ladies left us and Carrie, Miranda, Charlotte and Samantha haven’t changed much since we last saw them.

Like the series, the movie presents a number of relationship drama’s that challenge the ladies core beliefs, and its great to see how they all handle the challenges posed both individually and together. Unlike the series, the movie was more fantasy than reality and for those 2 and half hours the audience freely escaped.

The persistent product placement, however, could not have escaped the attention of the audience. Designer labels are featured consistently throughout and if you’re not a fashion lover (which is unlikely as you’re reading this on a fashion blog) then its bound to get a bit tiresome.

For me, however, the fashion was a treat. Although I’d seen most of the outfits already, (by the way, the Vivienne Westwood gown looks better in the movie than it did in the pictures) it was great to see them again. Carrie’s style is more outrageous than ever, and there is the nagging feeling that a 40 something yr old would not be seen dead in some of her outfits.

Being a major fan, I was so excited to see the ladies that I overlooked certain poor aspects such as, cheesy lines and accompanying music, Carrie being more dramatic than usual, Jennifer Hudson’s over the top role, oh and Mr Big is unnaturally soppy.

Having said that, I loved the movie, and I loved that I watched it among fellow fans, i.e. women alone, women and their girlfriends and women who dragged their boyfriends. Everyone gasped together (there are a couple of shockers), sighed together, and laughed together (it’s actually quite funny).

I say, go see it! It was great to be reunited with the characters we’ve come to know and love (or hate) depending on how you feel. And if you do, look out for the Judith Lieber cupcake clutch we featured a while back. Also come back and tell us what you thought!

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