
Visible bra straps? Frowned upon, yes, but grossly overlooked, I say. As with so many fashion “rules”, there is so much more fun to be had when “don’ts” are entirely disregarded.

Now, I’m not talking vampish red and black cleavage in the manner of Christina Aguilera, but rather candy box brights and pretty lace peeking out from floral dresses and boyish tank tops. I find the more innocent/ girlish/ quirky the outfit, the better; any outfit that is overtly seductive to begin with is only going to get you mistaken for some kind of dancer from Chicago.

Of course, this is really just another way to feed my insatiable addiction to layering and clashing, but fortunately I am in good company with that this season. A pretty bra strap adorned with ribbons or bows can be a far more interesting accessory than the usual get name jewelry or scarf, as well as being a subtle way to add a pop of colour or texture to an outfit.

Visible lingerie in general has been a big trend this season (see Marc Jacobs) but let us be clear that I am in no way advocating VPL or, worse, visible thongs. We left that behind with Sisqo, yes? That said, little did I know that I have developed quite a reputation amongst my friends for regular visible bras. But, hey, every girl needs a trademark and there are worse reputations to have.

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