Hear the words ‘half-price hair cut’ muttered in the same sentence and we’d usually tell you to tread with caution (memories of cheap trims in our teens still live on today), but when the cut’s coming from a top hair stylist to the stars, we’re inclined to feel a little excited.

This Sunday and next (27th June and 4th July), some of the biggest names in the hairdressing game are offering customers a half-price hair cut at their London salons to help raise money for HAIRraising – a charity founded by John Frieda to help raise money for Great Ormond Street Hospital.

So, if you happen to be in the city this weekend, why not let the likes of John Frieda, Charles Worthington, Michael Van Clarke and Daniel Hersheson (who’s offering half-price colour, too) loose on your hair to work their magic? Not only will you look fabulous, you’ll be helping a great cause, too.

But before non-Londoners begin to feel left out, don’t worry, you can get involved too. According to Elle UK, you can encourage your local hairdresser to join the scheme by registering on the website before 31st August.

Visit the HAIRraising website at gosh.org/hair-raising to find out more and get yourself booked in. Now what’ll it be? We hear the blue rinse is all the rage…

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