In perfect contrast to US Vogue’s May edition which was so heavily airbrushed it may as well have been a painting, French Elle has decided to shoot a non-photoshopped front cover.

The cover star is actress and model Monica Bellucci who can be seen posing in a Christian Dior jumper. But not only has she not been photoshopped, but she isn’t wearing any make up too. Nope, not even a little bit, she really is that beautiful.

Editor in chief Isabelle Maury asked Peter Lindergh to photograph Monica and seven other famous women and somehow he managed to convince them all to pose without their mascara. Inside you’ll find Eva Herzigova, Charlotte Rampling and Sophie Marceau all au natural.

In a bizarre ritual, they had their hair and make-up done and then removed the
make-up before the shoot, this was according to Lindbergh the key to their glowing .

‘Stars without make up’ contains 11 black and white photos over 16 pages. This is a positive step forward. And look how beautiful Monica Bellucci looks. It just goes to show that excessive airbrushing is so unnecessary.

What’s your take on the airbrush phenomenon; do you prefer your favourite cover stars with or without it?


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