Home renovations are stressful enough when attempting to do as much as physically possible without hiring contractors.

When there are children involved, it can increase the difficulty level, to say the least!

If you’ve got little children running around or teenagers are getting under your feet, it can be a tough thing to navigate, but here are a few things to bear in mind to make the process easier for everyone.

Schedule Everything!

A schedule of the things you need to do is a very simple and effective thing for a number of reasons: 

  • If your children don’t sleep very well and you find yourself becoming absent-minded because there’s just so much to do.
  • It provides the overarching structure for your project. 
  • You can schedule what needs to be done and the time frames for each task, and how you can make things easier for yourself. 

The latter is critical in so many ways, for example, when it comes to purchasing items like tools. If you find there’s a lot of things you need to do, whether it’s plastering the walls, painting, or doing up parts of the roof, you need to put a schedule in place to maximise efficiency.

It’s far better to go into these things prepared, for example, If you are looking for corrugated roofing, it is much easier to browse the options online and know what you are looking for before you head to the store. 

As renovating is not just about doing the job itself but actually going back and forth to the shops, the time all adds up, so you need to schedule when you need to head to the DIY store.

Having everything scheduled (with some wiggle room for error) means you are being much more efficient.

Lots of people think about doing renovations as a weekend thing, but then find they don’t have everything they need, so they’ve got to down tools and head to the shop, resulting in a lot of lost time.  

Let Your Children Make Some Decisions

When we are renovating our children’s rooms, it’s best to let them choose things that reflect their personality, but it all depends on their age.

If they want to completely cover their room in rainbows and unicorns, you may have to rein them in and come to a mutual agreement!

The best thing you can do is to give them three options, such as three wall colours to choose from, so they can pick their favourite and they’ve made some important design decisions, all the while with you keeping it under control!

Use Storage

The biggest problem many parents have when it comes to decorating or any form of renovation is that they end up playing “House Tetris.”

If you are moving into a new home, you can benefit from putting items in storage for a few weeks because this doesn’t just make things physically easier, but there’s less chance of damage. 

A major mistake parents make when it comes to renovating kids’ bedrooms is that they don’t cover things properly.

Painting can cause a lot of splashback, so if you can’t put items in storage, making sure everything is covered up is essential.

But it’s not just about putting blankets over things- it’s about taping these blankets to the ground so they cannot move.

Have Realistic Expectations

Renovations are not cut and dry, they are incredibly disruptive and dirty duties that cause a lot of problems.

When you are doing up the house yourself, it’s essential to make peace with the fact that you might not be able to get everything done over the course of a few weeks, but it all depends on the job you need to do. For example, plastering can take a long time.

For a freshly plastered wall to dry completely, it could take up to a week, or even longer depending on factors like the thickness of the plaster and the number of layers.

You’ve got to choose your jobs carefully, but also be realistic because it might not be cut and dry during the course of a weekend.

When it comes to renovating with young children in tow, there is a lot to navigate.

But if you want to find your way around home renovations properly, it’s about that balance of being organised and remembering that there will be a light at the end of the tunnel.

Renovating takes a long time when you are doing it by yourself, and with kids, it can take even longer, but it is not impossible!

This content was first published on MyFashionLifeBlog and should not be copied or reproduced.
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