
After a few years of fun with your partner, it is likely you’ll begin to feel content and settled with one another and whilst you have no complaints, there might be something missing… are you ready for him to pop the question? Quite often, it might feel like he hasn’t even given it a second thought, so how do you go about dropping some subtle hints that you are ready for him to put a marquise engagement ring on it?

With the helping hand of Angelic Diamonds to get you those vital hints, we can tell you how to get him popping the big question in no time at all.

Use your married friends as your main tool

Making sure your partner spends plenty of time with your happily married friends and family will make him realise that you’re comfortable with him being around others in more serious relationships.

Additionally, happily married friends will help show your other half that marriage has its ups and downs, but this commitment shown through other people will help him envision this with you. Although men who have parents that are divorced sometimes struggle to trust this commitment, replacing negative feelings with positive ones in this type of environment may help to bring him around to your way of thinking.

Become his go-to guy

Don’t allow yourselves to fall into a sloppy routine that separates you both as individuals instead of working as a team. Make sure that you can be your partner’s go-to guy as well as a girlfriend. If you’re constantly being left behind for the guys, then this is going to put a strain on his ability to propose and take you seriously.

Make sure you are offering the complete package – go for runs together and take an interest in his interests and hobbies. If you can be part of his whole life, rather than just someone he spends time with, then he’ll feel like you’re indispensable. Once you get to this point in your relationship, then he’ll feel like proposing, as he can’t spend his time without you!

Tough love

This can be a difficult game to a play – and many people don’t like this approach. However, sometimes you need to be cruel to be kind. If you don’t see your relationship heading in the right direction, and things are flatlining, try and find his pulse again by telling him you may move out.

Or, if you don’t want to be as dramatic, try doing things without informing him of your plans. Why not try changing careers without letting him know, or spending more time with the girls unannounced? Although he knows that you’re always there for him, this will make him feel that he isn’t being as included as he should be, and he’ll start to wonder why. Keeping him on his toes in this way will make him realise that he needs to put the effort in (by proposing!) so that he can get your undivided effort and attention in the future.

Be honest

Whilst most people prefer to try and drop subtle hints to their partner, the best way to ensure your partner knows you are ready to take the next step, is to be honest. Communication is key in a healthy relationship. Why not talk to him about why it’s important to you?

At the end of the day, if you can tell him why you want to marry him, then the likelihood is he’ll know how much he means to you. Sometimes people have the same fears and doubts within a relationship, but they are just too afraid to address them with each other. By talking about your future together, he’ll know that you want to be a part of it. By giving him that gentle nudge in the right direction, you may just be engaged before you know it.

This content was first published on MyFashionLifeBlog and should not be copied or reproduced.
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