
In the world of skincare, the options seem to be endless. Today, there are literally thousands of different products and mechanisms that are in place to take care of your skin. Unfortunately, on the opposite side of the spectrum, people tend to be leading less healthy lifestyles which expedite the process of dermal aging. Maintaining ageless skin is more a lifestyle, rather than a treatment. Of course, your lifestyle alone may not be sufficient if you want to maintain glowing, radiant, flawless skin throughout your lifetime, as external factors and your genetic makeup can affect your overall appearance over time. With the concise points discussed in this article, you can get gorgeous, ageless skin with these anti-aging tips from SkinCare by Alana.

  • Watch your health – As mentioned before, how gracefully your skin will age will be inversely dependent on how well you have taken care of yourself by maintaining a healthy lifestyle. A number of studies have linked a deteriorating complexion with poor lifestyle choices. Adopting healthier practices should be the first step towards maintaining a beautiful appearance as you age, and it should be a step that is initiated as soon as possible. Living a healthy lifestyle includes avoiding common unhealthy habits such as smoking and excessive drinking, while exercising on a regular basis and maintaining a healthy diet.
  • Getting the right nutrients–A good diet is essential to aging beautiful; as the saying goes “you are what you eat”. The nutrients you consume play a vital role in nourishing your skin to maintain a smooth, vibrant complexion. This includes getting your recommended doses of vitamins and minerals. As you age, vitamin and mineral deficiencies tend to commonly occur, so it is advisable to consult your dermatologist regarding these aspects and take supplements if required.


  • Microdermabrasion – If you are unfamiliar with the term ‘microdermabrasion’, it refers to the safe
    treatment used to promote and maintain skin health. This super beneficial treatment is non-invasive and has a very low rate of negative reactions, making it ideal for a number of different skin types and concerns! Just like how a spa treatment and acupressure can help muscles in terms of blood flow and overall health, minor contact-based treatment such as microdermabrasion can be quite useful in making significant difference in your skin condition. Crystals are sprayed across the face using a device that exfoliates the skin and clears it of blemishes and other marks. If hitting the spa is simply not in your schedule, investing in an at-home treatment can get you gorgeous results, from the comfort of your own home. SkinCare by Alana owner Alana Mitchell uses and loves PMD’s Personal Microderm.
  • Topical treatments – There are innumerable options available on the market and while many can be beneficial, some can have underlying side effects, or worse, cause more harm than good. Using the right topical treatment for your skin type can help maintain overall tone and nourish your skin with the nutrients it needs to stay fresh and beautiful. It is important to pay close attention and utilize moisturizers that make use of naturally occurring components rather than artificial chemicals. Image Skincare MD Reconstructive Moisturizer, for instance, has been derived from a number of natural components and works to protect you from harmful UV rays.

By adopting the above lifestyle and tips to your daily routine, there’s a good chance that while you will get older, your skin will age gracefully!

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